Abbreviations for months in english

The abbreviation for "month" is typically "mth" (plural mths) but since the word "month" is already relatively short, the use of this abbreviation is infrequent. As for the abbreviations of the names of the months you can find them here:

Month name Month abbreviation
January Jan.
February Feb.
March Mar.
April Apr.
May May
June June
July July
August Aug.
September Sept.
October Oct.
November Nov.
December Dec.

Months in other languages

Use this table to check the names of the months in spanish, french and other languages:

English Spanish French German Portuguese Italian Polish Dutch Swedish Danish
January Enero Janvier Januar Janeiro Gennaio Styczeń Januari Januari Januar
February Febrero Février Februar Fevereiro Febbraio Luty Februari Februari Februar
March Marzo Mars März Março Marzo Marzec Maart Mars Marts
April Abril Avril April Abril Aprile Kwiecień April April April
May Mayo Mai Mai Maio Maggio Maj Mei Maj Maj
June Junio Juin Juni Junho Giugno Czerwiec Juni Juni Juni
July Julio Juillet Juli Julho Luglio Lipiec Juli Juli Juli
August Agosto Août August Agosto Agosto Sierpień Augustus Augusti August
September Septiembre Septembre September Setembro Settembre Wrzesień September September September
October Octubre Octobre Oktober Outubro Ottobre Październik Oktober Oktober Oktober
November Noviembre Novembre November Novembro Novembre Listopad November November November
December Diciembre Décembre Dezember Dezembro Dicembre Grudzień December December December